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Tuesday 5 April 2011

Dinosaur teeth, First Aid and graphs - What a day!

Sadly today Mrs Ward and a few members of the class were off school due to illness. They were all missed - I hope you all feel better soon.

We started the day with a discussion on what a graph was and why we used it. We decided that a graph is a chart used to display results, in a clear organised way.  Over the next couple of days we will be looking at bar graphs and pictographs. 

After the break we continued our literacy, about the World of Work from yesterday and  continued our spelling journals for the week.

In the afternoon the Year 3’s went on a basic First Aid session, which lasted all afternoon.

As this left only Year 2’s, we started with a walk around the school thinking and looking about teeth. We went through the infant classes gathering information and ideas to take back to the class. When we got back to class the children carried out their own research in order to discover what they could about teeth. They seemed to thoroughly enjoy this learn a lot from their own active learning.

One girl was amazed how many teeth a dinosaur had,  When I asked her why she thought it was because they were nasty eaters! Whilst at the same time another girl was amazed how many teeth a bird didn’t have,  through question she told me that she thought they used their beaks to rip food apart! This was just the start I cant wait to do further research.

Time for me to go, its been a long day and my Spaghetti Bolognese is calling!
Blog again tomorrow.
Mr D